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How Does Smoking Addiction Affect Your Health?

There are things that we do leisurely and out of curiosity that sometimes bring us to our distraction. Like smoking, one often starts out of curiosity or because of peer pressure. He would like to belong or have something to release his tension. In doing so, one usually ends up suffering from smoking addiction, where he becomes dependent on cigarettes . Seek help from the best addiction treatment center in Lahore , which can provide valuable support on the journey to addiction recovery. Smoking Addiction Affects Your Health Smoking Addiction Affects Other People: Everyone knows how harmful and habit-forming smoking is. People are aware of this fact but do not realize the irreversible effect that smoking addiction can cause. A lot of people consider smoking as a normal course of action or just an outlet for pressure, stress, anxiety, and depression. Little do these people who are suffering from smoking addiction know that they are not only doing harm to themselves but also to the p...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

 The main symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are constant at the best addiction treatment center in Lahore, flashbacks, memories of tragic or traumatic events that happened in the past, emotional numbness and anxiety. People affected with PTSD are mostly war veterans, survivors or witnesses of Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia of bad accidents (car, train or plane crashes), natural disasters, terrorist attacks, violent armed robberies and similar. The memories of those events are deeply engraved in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder sufferers' minds, and no matter how hard they try to forget them, the flashbacks keep coming back, forcing the victims to go through the horror of the original event over and over again. 

Images and sounds during these episodes always look so realistic that the patient is usually left terrified, exhausted and extremely anxious at the end.

People with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are often very sensitive to sudden, loud noises. They are overcautious, get irritated easily, overreact, have problems with concentration, and, in most cases, have sleeping difficulties and nightmares.

PTSD usually develops during the first three months after the traumatic event, but in some cases, it can occur years later. Some World War II veterans developed the disorder 50 years after the war.

Depression, alcohol and drug abuse and addiction, suicidal thoughts and eating disorders are secondary conditions that might accompany Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and further complicate recovery. It is not uncommon for people living with PTSD to develop some other anxiety disorders besides the original one.

In some cases, after the treatment, the symptoms of PTSD can completely disappear, but later (could be years), some new, unrelated traumatic event might trigger and bring the old images and nightmares back to life.

The real causes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (as with the rest of anxiety disorders) are still not fully researched and completely understood. However, they are most likely a mixture of genetic factors, some chemical imbalances in the brain, overall level of mental health and life experiences.

When symptoms of PTSD persist for a period longer than a month or their severity is at an unbearable level, interfering with the person's normal functioning, it is most definitively the time to seek professional medical advice.

Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in most cases involves psychotherapy alone or in combination with medication (especially in patients who have also developed some secondary conditions, such as depression, for instance) and psychotherapy. The success rate varies depending on the severity of the disorder, the patient's personality, the presence of the secondary conditions and a few other factors and circumstances. In approximately 70% of the cases, PTSD is treated successfully. After adequate treatment, the symptoms might disappear completely or become very mild and manageable so the patient can lead a normal, proactive life.

Certain occupations, such as soldiers, police officers, paramedics or firefighters, are frequently exposed to horrific accident scenes and often find themselves in extremely stressful and unpleasant situations. Although by the time they become kind of "immune" to everything they encounter, these workers still run a very high risk of developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is highly recommended that those people receive counseling whenever they feel something they were exposed to was out of the ordinary or over the top.


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