Men are less likely to suffer from depression than women. At the best addiction treatment center in Islamabad, most men come to the rehab center and are there for the treatment of their addiction by professional people. The general symptoms of male depression differ from symptoms of female depression; there are also some tips to free from depression, even though both of them can experience the same symptoms of depression.
Men with depression are more likely to deny the symptoms as they feel they are strong and shouldn't have them; they try to fight shy of treatment and deny being helped. Some symptoms of male depression are:-
- Men feel that the world has set them up to fail and that others are to blame
- They have a loss of concentration and interest in their work and social activities
- They feel scared of failures and fear that they will fail
- They feel more angry and annoyed
- They feel agitated and restless
- They have sleeping disorders; they either sleep less or more than usual
- They start to feel embarrassed of who they are
- They feel irritated when they are not praised enough, and they try to vent out their frustration
- They might, in some cases, start to blame their marriage rather than face their problems
- They start using TV, alcohol, sports, drugs and sex to self medicate
- They are petrified of their weakness and their uncertainties rather than trying to triumph over them
- They keep up their guard at all times and feel suspicious
- Men believe that their worries and issues are resolvable if their relatives or colleagues would help them
- They constantly wonder if they are being loved enough
- They may complain about having physical pains and aches
Most men are
dense when recognizing the signs and symptoms of depression. The pressure and
stress of our life and our ambitions plot to make us blind and deaf to the
symptoms of our imminent fall. Depression in men should be accepted,
acknowledged, and attended to suitably. Men are most likely to feel sad or down
about things related to their success in life, as society as a whole expects
men to be more successful.
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