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How Does Smoking Addiction Affect Your Health?

There are things that we do leisurely and out of curiosity that sometimes bring us to our distraction. Like smoking, one often starts out of curiosity or because of peer pressure. He would like to belong or have something to release his tension. In doing so, one usually ends up suffering from smoking addiction, where he becomes dependent on cigarettes . Seek help from the best addiction treatment center in Lahore , which can provide valuable support on the journey to addiction recovery. Smoking Addiction Affects Your Health Smoking Addiction Affects Other People: Everyone knows how harmful and habit-forming smoking is. People are aware of this fact but do not realize the irreversible effect that smoking addiction can cause. A lot of people consider smoking as a normal course of action or just an outlet for pressure, stress, anxiety, and depression. Little do these people who are suffering from smoking addiction know that they are not only doing harm to themselves but also to the p...

4 Ways to Overcome General Anxiety Disorder

Overcoming Anxiety Disorder

This disorder is a general term for different kinds of mental concerns that are characterized by excessive worrying about certain things or situations that are either real or imagined. Seek support and treatment from the best addiction treatment center in Islamabad for comprehensive care and management. This problem can negatively affect not only the mental state of an individual but it can also have a major impact on the person's physical health. People with this kind of problem can suffer for many years. It can even progress to a much worse disorder and illness, and it is for this reason that this must be addressed with proper treatment.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

According to, it is a mood disorder that is characterized by multiple and/or nonspecific worries. The anxiety connected with the GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) interferes with the person's ability to sleep, think, or function in some other way. This disorder is quite common. Dual diagnoses are also a serious problem, and that is the fact why addicts should undergo dual diagnosis therapy the effectively address addiction and mental health issues and seek support from dual diagnosis. In fact, it is the most common type seen by most primary care doctors. About 5% of people will develop this over the course of their lifetime. That translates to millions of GAD sufferers. This illness usually begins when individuals are in their early 20s. It occurs in about 0.7% of children in any one-year period, up to 20% over the course of childhood. Read more.


Medication won't cure the disorder, though it can keep it under control while the patient is undergoing psychotherapy. The main medications used for treating anxiety disorders include anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depressants, and beta-blockers for controlling some of the symptoms.

Anti-Anxiety Drugs

Benzodiazepines can treat this certain illness and have only a few side effects, such as drowsiness. Since people can easily get used to them, they may eventually need higher doses to achieve the same effect. Explore how to understand obesity can impact mental health because anxiety is connected to this disorder. Benzodiazepines are only prescribed for a short period of time. Lorazepam is used for panic disorder; Clonazepam is useful for social phobia, while Alprazolam can help people with panic disorder and GAD.

Some patients experience withdrawal symptoms when they abruptly stop taking Benzodiazepines. Most doctors gradually taper it off to avoid anxiety from returning once the drug is stopped. A new anti-anxiety drug for this disorder, Buspirone, has several side effects such as dizziness, but unlike Benzodiazepine, it can be taken for at least 14 days to get the anti-anxiety effect.

It is important to realize that some of the medications can be worse than the illness itself. People who suffer from this disorder may want to look into treatment centers. At the Willing Ways, doctors and therapists can address the issue, most likely with little to no medication.


Antidepressants are developed for treating depression but are also proven effective as a treatment for this disorder. While these medications start to change the brain chemistry after the first dosage, their effect needs a string of changes to happen, and so it typically needs about 4 to 6 weeks before the symptoms begin to disappear. Neuroscience therapy is really effective for the treatment of addiction-related disorders. Here are the reasons why neuroscience therapy for addiction works. Knowing its effectiveness and know the benefits of the treatment is really crucial to continue the recovery journey of drug addiction.


Psychotherapy involves working with a trained mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, or social worker, to determine the cause of the disorder and treat the symptoms.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a very useful method of treatment. This method consists of two parts – the cognitive part and the behavioral part. The cognitive element helps the patient's thought patterns to be altered positively through stressful situations.

CBT usually lasts around 12 weeks, and it can be conducted in a group or individually. Group therapy is effective for treating social phobia. Some evidence showed that the therapeutic benefits of the treatment last much longer as compared to patients taking medications for anxiety disorders. For comprehensive insights into anxiety disorders and their treatments, refer to the "facts about drug and addiction" presented by experts in the field. Medication and psychotherapy can be combined to treat specific anxiety disorders, and this is by far the best treatment approach for most people.

New Approach for Anxiety Disorder Treatment – In the News

Based on Medical News Today, new research has shown that people with this kind of sickness show the most improvement when treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In combination with a "trans-diagnostic" approach – a model that allows one set of principles across all these disorders, the researchers added that the combo of treatments helps improve symptoms in several anxiety disorders, such as fear of flying, spiders, or public speaking.

Types of Anxiety Disorder Treatment – On the Web

Today, the common methods of treating this psychological disorder are by taking medications and undergoing psychotherapy, including "Anxiety Management." Many therapists and doctors recommend a combination of the two for better results. However, it usually takes some trial and error to find out exactly what form of treatment will work best for you. The National Institute of Mental Health recommends the following anxiety disorder treatment.

Are you suffering from some kind of an anxiety disorder? Hawaii Island Recovery can help you with that. Seek their professional help by calling them at +92 300 7413-639.


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